[來源:bsnls.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設] [日期:17-03-29] [瀏覽次數(shù):]

今天推薦一組不錯的個人網(wǎng)站集錦,每個站都頗具特色,有興趣可細細瀏覽,期望能為你帶來一些新的靈感。 Recommend a set of good personal website collection today, every station characteristic, are interested can browse carefully, hope you can bring some new ideas. ACT NORMAL The ACT NORMAL 這個網(wǎng)站布局簡單,排版大方,用色大膽。小細節(jié)處理上很有意思,動畫和插圖使用常見的元素,卻能給出意外的驚喜。例如你可以關(guān)注標簽激活與非激活狀態(tài)時的提示及表情圖標,它們能夠清晰的給你反饋。 This simple layout, typography and easy, bold colors. Little detail processing is very interesting, animation and illustration to use common elements, but can give a surprise. For example, you can look at the label activation and the activated state icon hints and expression, they can clear feedback to you. BLAH BLAH 極簡網(wǎng)站的它,卻并沒有帶來失望。它是一個表面很干凈,卻又是深思熟慮的容器,我們能愉快的發(fā)現(xiàn)它的可用設計。 Minimalist web site, it did not lead to despair. It is a surface is clean, it's well thought-out container, we can find it available design. JOSH SENDER JOSH SENDER 這個網(wǎng)站直接展示所有的項目,它是一個單一的頁面,簡單的展示了設計師的作品。 This web site directly show all of the project, it is a single page, simply shows the designer's work. STEFANIE BRÜCKLER STEFANIE BRUCKLER 這類網(wǎng)站的效果極少見,它真的只是用一個簡單的框架來布局。但它有應用古老的色調(diào)來調(diào)劑,不然真的是太過于單調(diào)了。 The effect of such sites is a rare, it really is just with a simple framework for layout. But it has used the old color to adjust, otherwise is really too too drab. PHOSPHENE PHOSPHENE 這個網(wǎng)站是集合關(guān)于視覺效果的視頻。也如同其他這類網(wǎng)站一樣,它在自己本身也應用大量的光影效果。 This site is set on visual effects for the video. Also like other such sites, it also used a lot of light and shadow in itself. PETER TAIT PETER TAIT 在用色方面非常大膽,除了一些文本和必要的設計元素,大面積的使用寶藍色。這種極簡網(wǎng)站總能給人帶來耳目一新的感受。 Very bold in color, in addition to some text and the necessary design elements, widespread use of sapphire. This kind of minimalist web site can always give people the feeling that find everything new and fresh.
