[來源:bsnls.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:17-05-17] [瀏覽次數(shù):]

相信大家都知道外鏈對企業(yè)網(wǎng)站排名的作用無人不知。那么,現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該應(yīng)該如何去發(fā)外鏈,才可以讓你的網(wǎng)站排名提升并且不受到外界的不良影響呢?一起跟天津光標(biāo)科技來看看下面的注意事項。 I'm sure you all know that the external chain has no idea what the rankings are. So how should you be able to get your site up and not being affected by the outside world? Let's take a look at the following notice together with tianjin cursor technology. 一、外鏈相關(guān)性要注意 One, the outer chain correlation should be noted 其實外鏈的本質(zhì)就是一種投票,是其他的企業(yè)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)給你網(wǎng)站投的一種贊成票,那么顯然最具有權(quán)威性的票就來自于同類的網(wǎng)站??梢栽黾油惥W(wǎng)站建設(shè)的鏈接。 In fact, the nature of the outer chain is a kind of vote, is other enterprise website construction site cast a vote to you, then obviously the most authoritative tickets from the same kind of sites. You can add links to similar sites. 二、外鏈來源要廣泛 Second, the source of outer chains is extensive 比如有100個網(wǎng)站,每個網(wǎng)站都給了你1個外鏈,這就相當(dāng)于100個人每個人都夸了你一次好。還有一個網(wǎng)站,這個網(wǎng)站自己在100個頁面上都有指向你的外鏈,這就是1個人,反過來復(fù)過去夸你好重復(fù)了100次。哪種效果更好?毫無疑問,越多網(wǎng)站給你外鏈,你的網(wǎng)站建設(shè)就會有越好的排名,而不是外鏈來自于極少數(shù)的幾個網(wǎng)站。 For example, there are 100 websites, each of which gives you an outer chain, which is the equivalent of 100 people each complimented you on a good time. There is also a website that has its own list of 100 pages that point to your outer chain, which is one person, which in turn is repeated over 100 times. Which is better? There is no doubt that the more sites you have to link to, the better your site will be in the rankings, rather than the external chain from a handful of sites. 三、外鏈的權(quán)重要高 Third, the right of outer chain is very important 同樣是一個外鏈,但一個來自于行業(yè)的知名權(quán)威網(wǎng)站,另一個則來自于不知名的、甚至是剛剛上線的新站,哪個更有價值?這就好比,同樣夸贊你足球踢得好,但一個夸獎?wù)呤莻€根本不懂足球的路人,而另一個則是梅西,誰的話更有參考價值不言而喻。來自于高權(quán)重網(wǎng)站的外鏈,會讓搜索引擎更加注重。 Is also a link out, but one from the industry's well-known authority sites, the other is from unknown, or even just released new sites, which is more valuable? It's like, also praised you play football well, but the person that a compliment is a people didn't understand football, and the other is Lionel messi, who have more reference value is self-evident. The external chain from the highly weighted website will make the search engine more focused.
